28 Oct 2007

Fate is very tricky. You cannot just live in peace and harmony waiting for solutions and consequences. Fortune forces you to take up challenges and fight for your ideas. Sometimes you are not eager to get involved in any kind of battle even if it is only for yourself.

When you think you are embedded in a situation from which not even God could uproot you, he will act quickly. Then you stand alone, like a candle in the storm. But we, candles, can relight ourselves. It's hard. It's almost impossible. It needs trust.

I may fall. But with experience and self-consciousness.


  1. Unknown said...:

    Self-confidence, maybe? Is that what you mean? Rather abstract notions, these, but I think I see your point. Are you saying that against all odd we have to keep fighting, trusting?

  1. elevennap said...:

    I meant self-consciousness, because both of it's meanings fit here. I don't say that we have to fight against all odd, instead against all negative impacts on our lives and on our self-judgement.

  1. Unknown said...:
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  1. Unknown said...:

    Yeah, I know. Actually, I mistyped :( my first note -- I meant to type "against all odds" (missed the plural s). Hope there won't be a whole lot of negative blog impacts. :)

  1. Dawid_TT_ said...:

    no single candle is truly alone :)

  1. elevennap said...:

    Yeah I know it, but sometimes it feels like you are the only one:)

  1. Dawid_TT_ said...:

    I know that feeling all too well. :( but I also know it is not true :)

  1. Réka said...:

    Verus in this case you should think about jin and jang, 2 side of the coin. This is the duality of life,but we have a chance to find the balance.