What would you think if you saw 8 friends in a room putting kitschy clothes on and preparing weird hairstyles for each other? Your first thought would be that they are absolutely insane. Maybe, but they are rather the hardcore!
There was a kitsch-party on Tuesday, before which we got together in order to "decorate" each other with necklaces, ties, sunglasses and earrings. It was a great fun, because we love to be together and horsing around and enjoying life. We laughed a lot at each other and ourselves as well. We made "breath-taking" headdresses for each other and we looked like funny christmas trees. We took a lot of photos there and it is quite comic seeing these insane people in those pictures. I can imagine how memorable will this event be when after a few years it turns up.
After prepairing we got to the club where the original party was to be held. There were a lot of people enjoying the "amazing" music of the 80's and 90's. But I can tell you that it was hardly as entertaining as prepairing for it.
I can write the first comment for you yeahh:) I enjoyed the decoration very much and the whole kitsch was a good idea. I love to be with the hardcore because we always have a great time and we gain a lot of experience.I think we make the days better for eachother.