


aztán kiderült, miért: plagizálás
aztán végülis az eredeti 4est kaptam mert elárultam h ez saját blog:D...nem mintha olyan megfejthetetlen lenne...:P
Az ablakhoz én is odaférjek...
"Tudom én, hogy egy kicsit (nagyon) sántít, de én mindig ezt látom magam előtt, miközben Dénagylajos belekezd a nótába" - kezdi Zsolt a mondókáját, és ebben az a gáz, hogy mostantól valószínűleg nekünk is ez a szürreál Paint-csoda fog bevillanni ilyenkor. Pedig én azt hittem, hogy ebben a témában a Voga-Turnovszky-féle "fogakkal teli a szám/ha kivered, akkor mosolygok rád"-nál szörnyűbb asszociáció tuti nincs. Hiába no, sosem szabad elfeledkezni az ősi szóviccelőjedi-bölcsességről, miszerint mindig, mindennél van még borzasztóbb. Pedig a jedik nem is ismerték Crunchy Frogot. Na, most hogy már legalább háromszorosan elspoilereztem a poént, jöjjön a kép:
Carpe Diem

This essay was a school task and I share it with you waiting for your opinion and criticism :)
’carpe diem quam minimum credula postero’
A comparison of two poems on how to live life
The idea of ‘Carpe Diem’ comes from an Italian poet Horace and is often translated as ‘seize the day’. By this he means that we should live for the moment, because life goes on and doesn’t wait for hesitating people. This is a timeless warning embodied in several branches of art; in literature, in music, in painting and so on. Lots of poems deal with the fast wheel of fate trying to encourage people not to miss a chance. This concept holds together ‘Living’ by Denise Levertov and ‘To His Coy Mistress’ by Andrew Marvell, spanning the gap that time could have caused between them.
‘To His Coy Mistress’ was published in 1681 while ‘Living’ about three hundred years later, still their main aim doesn’t differ. Marvell’s poem is about a lover, who tries to convince her lady not to hesitate but to take advantage of the moment, let their love prosper. The whole poem deals with the two of them, not with anybody else even if life as a universality is in the centre. The poet is considered to be one of the metaphysical poets as he makes a comparison between spiritual and physical, using a conceit like in the lines ‘(…)then worms shall try / That long preserved virginity’. By doing this, Marvell not just expresses thoughts vividly but entertains as well. He also uses exaggeration many times in order to be more talking; like when he states a contrast between the greatness of time and the smallness of life of his lady’s and his own one: ‘Two hundred to adore each breast,/
But thirty thousand to the rest;’; ’Thy beauty shall no more be found,/ Nor, in thy marble vault(…)’. This is important, because via these images the poet emphasizes his worry over hurrying time, over missed moments and chances in life and in love. He wants to convince her mistress to be smart and give up resistance, because their life is too short to wait. Those skipped kisses and hugs won’t come back, fate won’t give one more chance.
The poet sets a thesis-antithesis comparison. In the first 20 lines he talks about their possibilities if they had extremely much time, but then comes the antithesis as they are just a raindrop in the ocean of life. After this discussion comes the synthesis: ‘Thus, though we cannot make our sun /Stand still, yet we will make him run.’ This sentence is the conclusion, the idea of ’Carpe Diem’.
’Living’ by Denise Levertov is a much ’simpler’ poem considering the usage of metaphors, instead it is straight to the point, which is not surprising if we are aware of the fact that it was written in the 20th century. It doesn’t address a person, but gives an overall picture of the world, her own concept of the world which is first implied by the title. Levertov uses words in a way that we have no chance to argue with them. She sets statements, unchangeable truths and broadens to the whole life timelessly. The images of nature show continuity and endlessness, then comes a brief statement at the end of each thought. These sentences now refer to people, have no kind overtone, and stand alone without emotions. It is quite important because this way she surprise us somehow, gives a tap on the head saying ‘listen up friend, start to live!’. By ‘each summer the last summer’ she may refer to times of happiness and warns us to make the best of them. ‘Carpe Diem’ is the point again. You can die even now, after which your previous choices are irrevocable.
I would divide this poem into two sections. The first one is an overall picture of life, containing the first two strophes, and then comes the second part which is more personal. Unlike Marvell she talks about everybody using more universal pictures, she wants to tell the elixir to anybody who reads the poem. The poet uses the metaphor of a red salamander which may refer to not just life of anybody, but to her own as well. ‘A red salamander / so cold and so / easy to catch’. We get life so easily that we tend to forget how big a gift it is. We just live it and count the days and don’t fear of death, don’t fear of emptiness. ‘(…)I hold /my hand open for him to go.’ This line is the essence of the poem as Levertov is ready to let this red salamander go. But is it because she doesn’t enjoy life anymore? I don’t think so. Instead, to the best of my belief she is one of those people who takes advantage of every moment. She lives her life not just owns it. That’s why she is ready in each and every moment to let it go, because it was worthy, it was a whole. There is another thing which refers to the idea of ‘Carpe Diem’, which is the title itself. If it was ‘Life’ it meant a constant thing, an overall concept. Instead it is ‘Living’ which emphasizes that it has an end, so let’s march at attention.
Both Andrew Marvell and Denise Levertov plead the most important thing in life, which is ‘Carpe Diem’. It is not an idea, a movement or a silly theory, it should be the essence of mankind. Marvell addresses her mistress trying to make her come round but I think he broadens his idea to all the people in love (and maybe encourages the rest of them to be in love). Levertov doesn’t use long metaphors but her words work as if they were pills to take. The two poets are not jinxes with dark thoughts in their minds but doctors, philosophers and mentors of us. Because an empty life doesn’t worth living neither in the 17th century, nor in the 20th one.
~¤~veraszívem~¤~ üzenete:
annyira élveztem a műsort:D
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
baszott nagyon :D
~¤~veraszívem~¤~ üzenete:
jó volt velük együtt megcsinálni ezeket:D
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
csak néha nem értettem miért sikoltozik az első ember
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
mert figyeltem
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
és nem volt oka rá :D
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
meg egyszer túl korán sikkantottál :D
~¤~veraszívem~¤~ üzenete:
Murcy a Kalóz üzenete:
nemtudom :Z
~¤~veraszívem~¤~ üzenete:
de mindenkinek megvolt h miért sikoltozik
a szakest egészben pedig: sok sikoltozás. zizi.unzizi.nevetés.taps.pajtik.furaság.hazaindulás.keve.visszaszenes. mégtöbbfuraság....barackpálinka. nagyonjófuraság.haza. anyajegybámulás.
a lényeg így éjjel 3 körül
We had a kind of funny trip till we reached our aimed place because most of us became an acrobat considering the amount of drinks consumed. Talking, drinking, giggling then the fatigue.
Finally three of us stayed there and I can say this was one of the best decisions made by me. I was let to beat the durms and Keke was playing the guitar. Then we started a little jamming which was odd and quite humorous at first because of the fact that the only instrument which I'd ever tried is piano.
After a while Balázs started to sing and we created a real song on the base of an Ady poem. My skills improved as well so the air could be considered a valuable piece of music. I enjoyed beating those drums so much! It released tension and was like a real cure. Every sound and every beat made me feel alive. Now I know what is joy music.
This is a quotation from Dead Poets Society. I watched this film 2 days ago and I would say that this is one of the films that I would set compulsory for everyone.
I often hear from people from who I ask about literature this tipical sentence: "I've never liked 'hungarian'." So we often separate the particles of our life into subjects. But I also think that this is also the responsibility of educational system and teachers. I don't think we should put literature and poetry into a box with a label: "Something you should study." I think this is the most subjective subject in the world.
Of course we should learn about famous poets and writers to establish basics. But we also should create our own opinion and a viewpoint. I think poetry should talk about everyday life but should be more than it. And its task is to break away from ordinary, monotonous problems and to enhance the will to solve them and not to fade away in them. Because numbers are only stand for a frame, but the picture itself should be personal, unforgettable, romantic and poetic.
I was thinking about whether publish one of my poems here or not (if it can be considered a poem), but finally I decided to do it. I don't want anybody to comment it if they don't want to, neither to lie about it. It's just a part of me, it was born in one moment of my life. It is in Hungarian I hope it doesn't bother you.

Alabástrom szépségű nő,
Ó Lucifer, igen, ez ő.
Forgatja a kardot, vív és lő,
Vele zuhansz és nincs ejtőernyő.
Hús a hússal, vér a vérrel keveredik,
Míg eszed ebből végül kikeveredik.
Forog, pörög, lüktet a tánc,
Kínzó, éget ez a vad románc.
Kezeden és szemeden ott a lánc
És sikít
És ráz
És elemészt
És vége.
Aztán rájössz délre,
Hogy sütteted a hasad az ágyban,
Forró víz már a kádban
És csak a cselédlány hozott teát.
Dalí the genious
He was born in Spain in 1904. Maybe his best known painting is The Persistence of Memory. He had a wide range of activities, he was a painter, a film maker, a sculptor and also a photographer. He also worked with such great names like Walt Disney and Hitchcock.

He left all the conventions, was willful and energetic. He supported Franco's regime in Spain, as a consequence he was excluded from the surrealist group. At which Dalí put a neat retort: "I myself am surrealism". When this sentence echoed in my head I realised its power. He was able to contradict his group and was able to rise above their expectations. He created himself as a notion. It needs a strong personality.
In his paintings he uses symbols like elephants, clocks or eggs. He rethinks reality and adds some spice to it.

Finally I'd like to add a quotation from him. "I am painting pictures which make me die for joy, I am creating with an absolute naturalness, without the slightest aesthetic concern, I am making things that inspire me with a profound emotion and I am trying to paint them honestly."-Salvador Dalí
Road to nowhere

Last night I watched a film. I just still can’t find words for that feeling. Amusing, terrifying, attacking, indescribable, touching, unbelievable and so real.
It was Requiem for a dream. A realistic work of art I would say. It is mainly about a mother and her son. Harry, the son is a drug addict trying to make money out of anything in touch. He starts a drug business, the goal is to create acceptable living conditions for him and his girlfriend. In the meantime his mother gets to know that she is going to be on tv, she has been selected for her favourite show. Her ambition is to be able to wear her old and beloved red dress. To reach this she starts to take pills in order to lose weight.
Things are getting worse and worse. Addiction, lack of money, helplessness. The mother becomes dizzy, her imagination plays weird and scary games with her. Got used to the pills, not feeling hunger. Harry loses his business and a serious infection starts to develop on his arm but he doesn’t care about it.
Results: an insane mother and a boy without an arm. Addicted to dreams. Something to live for, something to get up for each and every day. The way on we decided to walk to reach our goals must be more important than the goal itself. Because in most cases after we have succeeded we feel empty and are eager to find another reason to live. But those possessions, objects does not mean a thing in the last minute. Objects just can’t give us happiness, carefulness and love, they fade away on the road. But our good memories are the stones built in it.
trait snapshot:
messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture
I'm telling you that almost every detail is true.
and an additional info (my pictures, constantly updated):

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